
Purpose for Your Marketing

Purpose for Your Marketing Plan by Joel Christopher Remandaban:

Having a purpose is the first step in the marketing process, as stated by Jav Conrad Levinson. Many people have tried to define purpose in its purest from. Some people find their purpose handed over to them in a silver platter. Others had to go through much of the years of their lives just to find out. There are many truths to consider about purpose and its relation to your business.

Your business purpose must be aligned with your personal purpose.

There will be that generic conflict of interest in your business if it is not aligned with your personal purpose. You must first be able to get an idea of what you want to do with you life before you actually get to do something else that will benefit other people. The more linked and consistent they are with each other, the less adjustments and conflicts you will encounter.

Your purpose for your business is what will sustain you.

Your purpose will help you get through the ups and downs of your business. If you have a purpose, you will have a target destination, and all means by which you travel will be in accordance to getting to that purpose you had in mind.

The purpose is very important in the sense that it will give you a clear idea of where you are"

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